Some days ago I described the steps involved in configuring a CentOS WebServer VM with virtual hosts here manually. In this post I will describe the steps involved to install Webmin .
Creating a repository file for Webmin
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ sudo vi webmin.repo
[Webmin] name=Webmin Distribution Neutral #baseurl= mirrorlist= enabled=1
Esc :wq
Install Webmin GPG key
rpm --import
Update Repositories
yum check-update

Install Webmin
yum -y install webmin
Add to startup
chkconfig webmin on
Start the service
service webmin start
Enable webmin port in firewall
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=10000/tcp firewall-cmd --reload
Open in browser where is your VM IP (ip addr)

Use same credentials used to admin the VM

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