Creating REST API Example with Laravel 5

This walkthrough should work on a VM described here

Assuming Database configuration is already set

in app/config/database.php or .env file

cd /var/www/dev1.local/laravel

Create Database Migration

In this example I decided to create a Courses table

php artisan make:migration create_courses_table --create=courses

Database Migration
Database Migration


Navigate with SFTP to /var/www/dev1.local/laravel/database/migrations

Edit the created file 2015_11_10_152128_create_courses_table.php and add the required fields.

Create Courses Table Migration file
Create Courses Table Migration file


Adding fields for example, Course name, Classroom, Teacher


Adding Fields to migration
Adding Fields to migration


Migrating tables to MariaDB
Migrating tables to MariaDB
Database in SQLyog
Database in SQLyog


Create Models folder in  /var/www/dev1.local/laravel/app

mkdir /var/www/dev1.local/laravel/app/Models

Create Course Model

sudo vi  mkdir /var/www/dev1.local/laravel/app/Models/Course.php

Course Model
Course Model


Seeding the Database

cd /var/www/dev1.local/laravel/database/seeds

sudo vi CoursestTableSeeder.php

Courses Database Seeder
Courses Database Seeder


vi /var/www/dev1.local/laravel/database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php

Register CourseDatabaseSeeder
Register CourseDatabaseSeeder


composer dump-autoload

php artisan clear-compiled

Run php artisan db:seed

Seeding the database
Seeding the database SQLyog
Seeded data in database
Seeded data in database

Course Controller

php artisan make:controller CourseController

Creating a Controller for Courses
Creating a Controller for Courses


sudo vi /var/www/dev1.local/laravel/app/Http/Controllers/CourseController.php

Generated Controller Stub
Generated Controller Stub


Implementing the Controller

Add the following uses at the top

use DB;
use Response;
use Input;
use App\Models\Course;

Implementing some of the actions. Index, Store, Show, Delete

public function index()
return Response::json(Course::get());

public function store()
‘teacher’ => Input::get(‘teacher’),
‘classroom’ => Input::get(‘classroom’),
‘course_name’ => Input::get(‘course_name’)
return Response::json(array(‘success’ => true));

public function show($id)
$course = Course::find($id);
return $this->respondNotFound(‘Course does not exist’);
return $this->respond([
‘data’ => $this->transform($course)

Creating Routes

sudo vi /var/www/dev1.local/laravel/app/Http/routes.php


Route::group([‘prefix’ => ‘/api/v1’], function()
Route::resource(‘course’, ‘CourseController’ );

save and execute

php artisan route:list

Laravel Routes
Laravel Routes

Testing the API




API test
API test


Next Post is about Creating Angular based Front-end to consume the above API

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